As an established management consultancy, we have facilitated numerous change and transformation processes. Thanks to the experience gained in these areas, we understand the challenges facing managers and teams and can address them with a comprehensive range of effective measures to support, enable and empower managers and employees.
Our trainers, consultants and coaches are all thoroughly trained and experienced in the field of enablement. And most importantly: They all know what the daily routine of managers and employees is like from their own experience. This ensures that the results in terms of enablement, knowledge transfer and person-to-person communication are sustainable. Individual requirements and starting situations are always taken into account, as indeed is the time factor. For it is important that the investment in enablement should pay for itself in a short time. Special care is also taken to remain up to date - with regard to both the ‘learning content’ to be conveyed as well as the methods and formats used to do this.
Promoting Sustainability & Continuity
Whether through coaching or training: Managers and teams can only change how they do things in the long term if all development measures are based on sustainability and continuity. So-called ‘chaka events’ have no lasting effects. In other words, nobody at cidpartners pretends they can walk on water. On the contrary, we design all phases of competence development very mindfully and always with the aim of achieving the best possible results for managers and teams.
Keeping in touch with reality
Theory and theoretical models are an essential part of conveying content. But the theory must be in line with the reality of everyday work and its challenges. So our job is to ‘translate’ theoretical models so that they correspond with what the company does in its daily business, for that is the only way to ensure adequate resonance. This indispensable practical relevance is an essential element of all our enablement measures. It applies both to their application with regard to concrete problems from everyday life as well as to the participants' hands-on cases.
Promoting multi-perspectivity & self-reflection
Regardless of the business area, the capacity to adopt other perspectives is a great advantage. Being able to see people’s actions from different angles gives both managers and team members a new and more reliable basis for their own decision-making and for dealing with others. A capacity for ‘multi-perspectivity’ also promotes the aspect of self-reflection and therefore the ability to adapt one's own behaviour. These meta-competencies are an essential component of our enablement measures.
Encouraging Self-Initiative
Theory is good, practice is better. Consequently, enablement measures should challenge the participants in a positive sense and awaken their own initiative. Courses in which the participants just sit back and ‘consume’ are unhelpful. We are convinced that a concrete ‘experience’ and subsequent reflection are crucial to be able to process content, break down inhibitions and form new behaviour patterns.
Accordingly, we focus on structuring our measures in an interactive way. In other words, team workshops and training sessions involve practical work. Participants apply content and gain experience in targeted practical phases: an important basis for the next learning iteration.
Leaving One’s Own Comfort Zone
Learning should take place outside one’s own comfort zone. This is the only way to learn new ways of going about things and truly efficient flexibility. This is about trying out new things in a protected environment. Previous patterns need to be put into question so as to generate a conscious feeling of ‘creative discomposure’. Only through such practical experience can new behaviour patterns form and one's own repertoire of options be extended. Nobody develops further by remaining in a comfort zone.