Speech is … Gold.



The best of change processes will still miss its target if managers and employees are not properly consulted and taken seriously. Well coordinated and clearly structured change communication ensures that the messages are not only heard but also understood. Change means more than putting up fancy posters in the canteen. For change to be understood, it has to be communicated clearly and tailored to the target group. Managers and employees alike must have their say and feel involved in the change process.


  • Successful change processes need managers and employees who understand and support the change
  • The aim is to turn employees into change participants, not change victims
  • Clear communication reduces the need for exchange through the grapevine and gossip and helps to reduce uncertainty while raising levels of confidence
  • If managers are to act as multipliers and internal change facilitators, they also need communicative support and backing
  • Communication through dialogue enables the integration of different perspectives and stakeholders

Communication Made to Measure Instead of "Somehow or Other"

Together with our clients, we design individual communication concepts that take all company levels into account. We start with the existing corporate culture, consider the established communication patterns as well as requirements dictated by the corporate identity – and then introduce new language patterns as required which reflect the objectives of the planned change process and empower its implementation – preferably in cooperation with internal corporate communication structures.

We rely on various communication formats - from classics such as newsletters and intranet to workshops at team level and complex large group events. In all these formats we combine change competence with communication expertise. This enables us to identify and handle possible doubts or resistance at an early stage – which all makes for better understanding and acceptance.

This approach also involves our expertise from the PR sector. A change process should be monitored all the time by both company-internal and external experts.



As a consultancy for strategy, change and transformation, cidpartners brings its comprehensive experience to bear to ensure that change processes are communicated effectively. We prepare change content for specific target groups, tailoring it to the individual goals, requirements and stakeholders of a company. We combine classical communication channels with more ‘trendy’ methods related to the areas of social media, podcasts, apps, videos and guerrilla marketing. Because we are convinced that leaving a well-trodden path means finding and using a new one.


Transparency in Dialogue

"Communication isn't everything, but without communication everything comes to nothing." This principle undoubtedly applies to change communication in particular. Especially in view of the experience that companies often provide a lot of information, but fail to communicate. We are convinced that change projects thrive on effective, open and above all dialogue-based communication. We pursue this dialogue principle through systematic selection of media and formats - always depending on the content to be communicated. We regard continuous and transparent communication throughout the entire change process as being an important factor for successful implementation

People to People Communication

A change process is results-oriented. But in addition to the content level, companies undergoing change should pay attention to and respond to personal concerns, emotions, resistance and issues. People involved in transformation processes need to have the feeling that human factors have not been forgotten. We are convinced that the human factor and results orientation are mutually beneficial and integrate both aspects into change communication.

Differing Perspectives for Creative Ideas

All communication should take into account and address the different perspectives of relevant stakeholders. For change management is based on making space for and promoting different perspectives and creative ideas. That is why we sometimes develop unconventional communication solutions to achieve unique results. And thereby make a new corporate culture palpable from an early stage.

Experienced Expertise and Up-to-Date Viewpoints

We have been providing change support to both medium-sized and large companies from a wide range of industries for many years. We see that not only organisations are undergoing change, but also that communication styles in and between companies are constantly being subjected to new impulses. We take this into account by consistently combining proven formats and procedures with new ideas and stimuli.