Whether ‘large’ means 50 or 500 participants: Large group formats engender lasting impressions that people talk about for a long time afterwards. Accordingly, the popularity of gathering many people together at the same time to discuss and shape current issues, future plans and process optimization is on the rise.


No strategy or change process can succeed unless it enjoys the support of the workforce. And no employee can be expected to provide that support without appropriate communication of the proposed changes. Large group formats can be used to mobilize several hundred people as a valuable resource, to engage their interest and cooperation and to co-create strategy and change processes. The group energy generated in this process drives processes forward, because the open work format creates a whole new level of exchange: understanding for other areas and perspectives grows, as does each participant’s individual network.


The value of such an event lies in the fact that participants are inducted into a process in an entertaining and at the same time stimulating way. The high degree of interaction and mutual feedback allows content to be processed more effectively and results to be achieved in a common effort. The scope and the format are tailored in each case to the objectives and circumstances.

We design customized large group events that fit the occasion and corporate culture. Typical reasons for arranging large group events are:

  • Presentation of and updates on change processes
  • Presentation of new strategies
  • Executive events
  • Annual conferences and meetings
  • Forums with customers, suppliers, partners
  • Exchange in ecosystems
  • Annual employee events
  • Co-creative development of ideas, products, strategies and future scenarios


Large group formats make strategy and change processes tangible for many employees and managers. Large numbers of participants and the integration of different perspectives make the corporate culture tangible, underline the special features of each organization and provide new motivating impulses through the experience of connecting with others.

Networking, exchange and appreciation across departmental boundaries are encouraged in large group formats, and this has a positive effect on overall productivity and the company’s progress. Collective intelligence, which can only really come to life in the context of large groups, plays a decisive role in this. In addition, directly involving many people ensures a high level of identification and firm commitment to the jointly elaborated measures.


The basic prerequisites for such events include taking different perspectives into account as early as the planning phase as well as having a fundamentally open attitude regarding the results. When it comes to organizing your large group events, these are the other factors that we take into consideration:

Conception and Implementation from a Single Source

We develop creative and also unconventional formats where the participants and the given subject matter are at the centre of attention. Trained facilitators and moderators keep the event focused and ensure that the event is a success and a unique experience for all involved.

Cooperation with other Partners

We highlight the special features of each event through cooperation with professional event management and creative agencies. Large group formats remain unforgettable not only because of the content, but also because of the atmosphere that they generate.

Interactive elements such as a cooking event, a digital rally or the ‘biggest rock band in the world’ make for diversity and team-building at one and the same time. Individual impressions of a large group event are captured on video, in audio recordings or scribbles according to the client’s wishes.


Group work can be fun. In other words: productivity, fun and joie de vivre are by no means mutually exclusive at large group events – quite the opposite. Working together and celebrating joint successes enhances networking and productivity enormously – not just during the event, but afterwards as well.

Let’s design the appropriate format for your event together.