From Vision to Reality



A company’s strategy may be regarded as being the most important instrument affecting corporate success and the realization of the corporate vision. It is the starting point for growth, change and strategic course corrections – in other words: It is the most effective instrument for entrepreneurial action.

Today more than ever, strategies must be thought through and designed to be dynamic. They evolve steadily in the course of the implementation process. Systems and markets are dynamic, their responses are unpredictable and conditions are constantly changing. This makes the implementation of a developed strategy extremely challenging. However, iterative approaches and regular integration of new information provide an optimal framework for meeting this challenge.


Even the best strategy will only have the desired effect if it is implemented. Such an implementation process includes

  • Translating the strategy into concrete action and devolving it to divisions, teams and individual employees
  • Developing divisional strategies and concrete implementation plans
  • Conceiving and developing strategic initiatives
  • Informing, integrating and motivating managers and employees

Worth bearing in mind: Linking strategy implementation with the current situation, using the existing corporate culture as a starting point, is essential. Only in this way can the strategy and its implementation be made tangible.


Co-creative design of corporate strategies and their iterative implementation ensure quality and sustainability. In addition to jointly developed strategies, we also support our clients in the implementation of existing strategies within the company.

One of our strengths can be seen in the way we work in iterative cycles, actively collecting internal and external feedback and integrating changes and new knowledge levels appropriately into the strategy process. In addition, we rely on managers and employees to help shape the strategy in the course of its implementation. We also find it important to use a variety of communication channels in all phases of strategy implementation, because communication is an important key to a successful strategy process.

When implementing a strategy, we combine the knowledge and experience of our clients with our know-how from change management as well as utilizing the various skills and expertise of our consultants.


Implementing a strategy is no less demanding than strategy development. In this phase it helps to combine different perspectives, experience and know-how and to integrate expertise gained from numerous strategy and change processes.


Measurable Objectives for Concrete Strategies

A strategy usually results from the comparison of a set target with the current situation and subsequent definition of the most important goals, fields of action and tasks. These often give rise to sub-strategies, which are defined in greater detail by means of sub-goals, key figures and related activities and projects and formulated in such a way that success becomes visible and measurable. An iterative process that integrates the people involved in the implementation.

>Comprehensive Planning

When the implementation is planned, it is important to ensure that the procedures and methods suit the company. An iterative approach allows for adjustments to be made at any time, such as integrating new findings and decisions. This improves the quality of the implementation one step at a time. Planning also includes the clarification of roles and responsibilities, authorizations and resources before the strategy is implemented.

Identification of Conflicting Goals

It is not uncommon for the implementation of a strategy to reveal conflicts between objectives – and this often provides a reason for open or covert resistance. Potential conflicts between objectives should be addressed, identified and resolved by means of appropriate measures before and during the implementation phase.

Participation on a Broad Basis

It is essential for successful implementation that key stakeholders (e.g. management, employees, works council) are appropriately involved. They should have the opportunity to contribute their views, their know-how and also their criticism when it comes to designing the organization’s goals and sub-strategies.

Training and Qualification

Every strategy implementation brings about change. And this often involves changed roles, methods and other aspects of work. In order to implement strategy sustainably, managers and employees must be empowered to cope with these changes through training and qualification measures. This generates motivation and trust and reduces anxiety.

Consistent Communication

“What is the purpose of the new strategy? What is this all about? Am I going to be disadvantaged or do I have to worry about my job?” – these are just some of the questions that arise in strategy processes. A variety of different formats and levels of communication help to integrate all participants appropriately.

In general: When implementing strategies, we work together with our clients to make strategy tangible and understandable. We systematically resolve any issues that may arise together with management, executives and employees.


OKRs are an approach that translates strategy into concrete goals and measurable results for divisions and teams. Precision is an essential cornerstone of the method, as are the measurement of success, iterative procedures and the consistent integration of feedback and learning.


Contact us

Detlev Trapp is founder and managing partner of  cidpartners.

Detlev Trapp

Managing Partner & Founder