Shaping Tomorrow Today.



Real change needs real development. Change management is all about achieving sustainable transformation. Regardless of whether it is driven by the need to adapt to changing market conditions or to the new challenges of the digital age.

In change management it is important to think and act holistically. Those affected, be it individual employees, teams or managers, should first be encouraged to participate and then be won over as proponents and incorporated into the process. Targeted development of competence and know-how in the company and consideration of specific realities within the company also play significant roles. Combined with fresh thoughts, ideas and methods.


  • Strategic reorientation
  • Digitization initiatives
  • Restructuring
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Cultural change
  • Lack of skilled workers
  • Changes in the market and competitive environment
  • Changing customer expectations


Change management involves certain essential core tasks. Once the goals and the procedure have been agreed upon, the essential remit is to involve management and employees and to implement the necessary measures. One crucial task is to initiate comprehensive communication and participation on a broad basis. Another is to motivate people at all levels to accept change and create a positive sense of journeying to a better place.

A basic framework should be set up by finding answers to important questions:

  • Where do we stand at present?
  • Where does the company want to go?
  • What is our strategy?
  • What do we have to consider as far as the overall system is concerned?

HIn addition, there are questions aimed at the integration of individual areas, teams and individuals:

  • Which specific needs have to be considered?
  • Who is likely to feel negatively affected?
  • What do we anticipate in terms of disagreement and criticism?

Another indispensable part of change management is a thorough analysis of new aspects of leadership. Managers must be given the means to fulfil the demands of their new roles and tasks. At the same time, employees should have the opportunity to make progress into new areas of competence and skill at an early stage so that they do not feel left behind.


cidpartners is a consultancy for organizational development offering across-the-board support for change projects – from their conception, communication and implementation to the qualification of managers and employees. We develop individual solutions that take account of our clients’ current situation and implement what they really need.

Efficient Cooperation

We also enjoy working together with other management consultancies or building on intermediate results.

Interdisciplinary and Cross-Industry Expertise

Our clients benefit from our comprehensive experience gained in numerous change projects in various industries and organizations, as well from our expertise in a broad range of disciplines.


Results Orientation with a Human Touch

In addition to the content-related, results-oriented aspects, companies undergoing change should also take their employees’ personal and emotional well-being into account. Because people need clarity, transparency and appreciation, especially in periods of change. This is the point at which corporate management has to find a balance between the overriding interests of the company and legitimate individual interests. We work to make sure that our clients' goals are achieved without people feeling ignored. Orientation towards results and consideration for people’s needs do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Integrating Perspectives

Owners, management, customers, executives, employees and works council: We integrate all the different perspectives of the relevant stakeholders as well as the questions that they find most important: What … ? Who … ? With whom … ?, Why … ? When … ? How … ? And we specifically integrate know-how and experience from other industries and companies.

Creativity Allowed

Change management should also allow and encourage ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. To this end, we develop creative and sometimes unconventional solutions to achieve unique results.

Expertise with a Fresh View

We have been facilitating both medium-sized and large companies from a wide range of industries in their change processes for many years. We combine this wealth of experience with fresh ideas, diversity and contributions from people who deal unconventionally with the conventional.

Keeping Track of Time and the Investment

We take up the really important issues and make the target culture tangible during change processes. It is important to us that the changes made have a lasting effect and at the same time that our clients’ time and resources are used efficiently.


Lack of Clarity about the Reasons for Change

If employees do not know why a change project is taking place and what the objectives of the measure are, this is a recipe for disaster. It is important to engender a sense of the appropriateness – or even better the urgency – of measures for change by means of a change story and effective communication across the board.

Insufficient Communication

Change without sufficient communication does not work. It is not only a question of the quantity, regularity and comprehensibility of information, but also of the right formats. Information that fails to reach the target group is counterproductive, and one-way messages (e.g. ‘do not reply’ mails) should not be the sole means of communication. The importance of dialogue-based change communication should not be underestimated: It must constitute an integral part of the process. This also means systematically obtaining feedback and integrating it into the change process.

Insufficient Integration of Key Stakeholders

If important stakeholders are not sufficiently involved in the change process, the so-called buy-in will fail to materialize. This often results in resistance and power struggles. It is better to focus on appreciative cooperation and ensure that key stakeholders and participants are involved right from the planning stage. A lot can be learned from people’s reluctance and different perspectives to make the process more successful.

Lack of Focus

If the change is only implemented as a ‘nice to have’, it is doomed to failure. Success is only possible through an early investment in time and enthusiasm as well as clarification of roles, responsibilities, authorizations, resources and procedures.

Lack of Transparency

Human beings are creatures of habit. If everything suddenly changes from one day to the next – or even if it only feels that way – this means that something has been handled badly. Reactions range from defensive attitudes to active resistance. This is why it is important to integrate people at an early stage, to communicate regularly and also to make it clear what will not change and what can still be relied upon in the future.

Disregard for Corporate Culture

If the existing corporate culture is regarded as being merely incidental and left out of the change concept, this equates to ignoring a decisive success factor. Change measures should take account of the existing culture, define the target culture and close the gap between them step by step. A cultural change takes time and requires effort, but it can lead to a corporate climate that is better able to cope with major changes. 

Invisible Sucesses

Change management thrives on motivation – and this remains low if managers and employees are not able to experience success. So change management should also provide for ‘low hanging fruits’. This is where defining small milestones helps things to transition more easily from one achievement to another. Successes should also be communicated transparently along the way. 

Failiure to Obtain Expert Advice

It is all too tempting to rely entirely on internal resources for change processes. But as a rule, that means that existing organizational patterns and structures escape critical scrutiny and ‘blind spots’ persist. This is exacerbated by factors such as a lack of experience in change management, tightly knit internal networks and connections and delays due to resource bottlenecks.

Doubts Regarding External Change Management Consultants

External consultants bring their experience to bear, they act as ‘sparring partners’ and their perspective is not blinkered by corporate routine. They know the hidden pitfalls and challenges and can anticipate what reactions are likely to come from the sociological ‘system’, so they can take measures to avoid them or lessen their effects. In addition, it is often easier for many employees to express wishes or criticism and other thoughts to a third party that might lead to animosity if discussed internally. This makes room for many more ideas and suggestions to be aired.

Belief in Change "Off the Shelf"

In many companies there is a belief that change processes can be planned precisely from beginning to end, and preferably from the top down. This does not work in practice, because too many factors play a role in the change process. The solution lies in an iterative approach that continuously tracks and takes account of unexpected circumstances, dissent and newly emerging information in the various phases.