Claudia Jahn
ConsultantIn her more than 30 years of professional experience as an actress in theater, film and television, as well as a voice-over artist for radio, Claudia Jahn has gained valuable experience in dealing with all the "components" of being human. As an actress, she is constantly working on herself, that is, on all the layers of her own being, in order to make this instrument of her personality fully sound. Thus, in the past professional years, she has acquired a rich treasure of experience, knowledge and understanding about the interplay and interaction of breath, body and voice. Claudia feels it is a great privilege to share this experience in her role as a coach for confident performance. Through her work she helps others to develop more self-confidence, personal expressiveness and charisma. In line with the changes of recent times, which are increasingly characterized by virtual interactions, Claudia's topics are also constantly evolving. Today, for example, she supports her coachees in developing the necessary presence and persuasiveness even in front of the diverse cameras of their daily lives.